Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Valuable TOOL...

Fellow Google Apps classmates,

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I intend to make this a primary form to communicate with my students' families.

  • I hope to add pics/videos instead of printing copies I have been doing each week on my own computer.
  • I intend to send the monthly newsletter on this blog instead of a printed copy.
  • I will put our monthly calendars on the blog.
  • I will post the monthly poem we recite and answer WH questions about. 
  • I will invite the families to our scheduled events and family activities. 
I just tried uploading a video from Youtube to be able to include these links for the parents of relevant videos.  The process was simple, I look forward to including these on my blog 

How else can I utilize the blog?
Please comment below


  1. I love your ideas for how to use the blog to reach your students and parents! How will you share the link with them?

  2. I will create a catchy flyer and explain the privacy of the blog. I would suggest they create an email just for school purposes that can be shared with our class blog and get permission for pictures and videos to be linked to the blog. Once that is all in place I would email them the link.
